Monday, August 31, 2015

Monday 8/31/15

Back to the clinic today for my infusion chemotherapy.  This runs 7 days back to back and so far no debilitating side effects which is awesome.  I remain home traveling into the clinic daily for the chemo and red blood/platelets as needed (I've needed one infusion of each thus far).  Just today I became neutropenic meaning my infection fighting white blood cells (neutrophils) are below the optimal level making it more difficult for me to fight off infections.  This was expected as the chemo is reducing my blood counts in general.  So I am back to my 'robbing the bank' look (mask and gloves),  a restricted diet and some restrictions on activities.  The counts should recover within a week or two.  In the meantime, the low neutrophils does not impact the way I feel - still have good energy and appetite etc. for which I am so grateful.  And even though a good chunk of my day is at the clinic, it is such a blessing to be home every night.

One frustration is my insurance companies denial of my pill chemotherapy.  After almost a week of appeals, it looks like they will approve the pill which I hope to start within the next couple of days.  Hopefully this will not compromise my treatment.

Emma continues to cram in last minute summer fun and I thank the people getting her from point A to Point B.  She starts school this week with two half days.

Joseph is doing well at Bowdoin and starts classes Thursday.  We sent him a care package the end of last week which included cookies (from Emma), some photos, and his high school AP Calculus notebooks.  He requested the notebooks - the cookies are all me...the notebooks definitely Jim.  Thank heavens they did not fall victim to my manic cleaning out of 'all things last year'

Well that is it for now - thanks so much for checking in and have a wonderful week.


  1. Thinking about how much YOU MATTER and so glad to hear you will be able to have the treatment at home. If there is anything you guys need, we are here for you. Judy & Family

  2. Thinking of you, Maureen. Very happy you're able to go home each day after your treatment. Always here, if you need anything. Debbie

  3. Hi Maureen. First, my apologies. I was just assuming all was going well and, I guess it did until now. I'm sorry to hear about the temporary set-back but glad things seem to be progressing well. Please know of my continued prayer and care. Mike

  4. Hang in there.... thinking about you here in Texas.

  5. Dear Maureen, thinking of you! Miss you and hope to see you soon! Caroline
