Monday, August 24, 2015

Monday Update 8/24

Jim and I were in the clinic today and I have a sketch for my treatment plan..The most likely scenario is I will start chemo Monday.  It will be outpatient (can I get an AMEN) with two types of chemo - one taken intravenously and one as a pill.  The intravenous chemo will run 7 days which means I'll be going to the clinic 7 days in a row for the one hour infusion. After the 7 days of the intravenous chemo, I will be in the clinic once a week for a check up.  Simultaneously I will be taking chemo via a pill for  a total of 21 days (7 of which overlap with the infused chemo). 

The plan is for two cycles of this chemo regimen.  

After the two rounds of chemo the plan is for me to get a booster infusion of the original donors cells.  These donor cells will help boost my immune system (again!) to fight off any stubburn leukemia cells.  They will go back to the original donor and procure those cells closer to the date they will be needed.  

There will be more to tell later in the week - for now doing the last minute packing to get Joseph off to school!  We leave for Bowdoin in the AM!!

More later - love Maureen


  1. Glad to hear you have a treatment plan to get back into remission...and great news that it's out-patient (Amen!) Have a good trip to Maine! So wonderful that you can be with Joseph to share in all the excitement of starting his freshman year! (I regret having missed that event with Gregory because I was too sick at the time, but I made it for his sophomore year!) ....Ahh to be young again and going off to college!! Love you and think you are amazingly brave and resilient. Hang in there my friend, and enjoy this special day with your son! xoxo, Kate

  2. Thinking of you and sending happy and positive thoughts!
    Best of Luck, Joseph Staudt, enjoy!!!

  3. Thank you for the updates - we will keep you all in our prayers. Good luck to Joseph - Emily leaves next week - so bittersweet!

    Thinking of all of you - The Conaton Family

    1. All the best to Emily- hope the drop off goes smoothly! Talked to Joseph tonight and he is doing well. Thank you so much for checking in and keeping in touch. Also Joseph says Hi to your family and a special Hi to Emily

  4. I am so very sorry to hear this news. I am available on Tuesday's and Wednesday's and can be company on your visitsvro the clinic or can be just plain company. Please let me know if that works for you.
    I am thinking about you all the time. Love~ Chris xo

    1. Thank you Chris - fill your gas tank because I'll be calling!
