Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Update August 8th

Family Fun:  Emma is home!!  Her return was preceded by a letter with a list of activities she wants to knock out before school starts.  Good stuff like beach days, dinner at a favorite restaurant, bonfire - don;t think cleaning out the trunk from camp made it to the list but this is only day 1.  Joseph is counting the days until he returns to Bowdoin.  Master Shin (who runs the Tae Kwon Do studio where Joseph works) is planning a nice goodbye party for my big guy.  Jim and the kids enjoyed  beautiful day on the boat this past Sunday.  Hope to be joining them on an upcoming trip soon.  Jim's sister Gina and husband George will be here this weekend.  My Mom and Kate get her late Sunday afternoon for an extended visit.

Medical Update:  Good week on the medical front.  Heading into the clinic regularly still as this is the point post-chemo where my counts drop.  (you may know from previous posts - low platelets, low red blood that I need replenished).  Not sure how long this will last -  will update all on next treatment possibilities as they present themselves.

Thanks for checking in!!

Love Moe


  1. Good news - hope you are feeling well and get some boat time. The weather has been perfect for it! I continue to keep you in my prayers!

    Nicole Conaton

  2. Glad you are having a good week and Emma is home!!! xo
