Sunday, September 13, 2015

Weekend Update Sunday 9/13

What a chatty post on Friday!  Well it has a lot of info so check it out for the latest and mostly greatest.

Saturday morning had me back in the clinic for a brief trip to get more platelets and get the final clearance for going to the One Direction concert with Emma!  We've had the tickets for almost a year.  My Doctor cleared me during the Thursday visit and all continued to be well on Saturday.  So we made the trip to Foxborough Stadium, I strapped on my mask and applied purell about 30 times, and we enjoyed the last North American tour of Emma's favorite band.  Emma and I could not have made the trip without the company of my friends Karen and Dina (and their kids).  I was a bit wabbly on the walk too/from the stadium and would not have trusted myself to the long/late drive home.  I thank you from the bottom of my heart and also had a great, great time with you.

Back to the clinic on Tuesday for my now standard every 3 to 4 day visit.  Moving toward getting another bone marrow biopsy and should get it scheduled soon for sometime in the next week or so.

That's it and have a great week.

Thanks for checking in!

Oh, and a Joseph update - Emma sent him a text asking what kind of cookies he wanted in an upcoming care package (she could not decide between two recipes).  He also asked for the hammock Aunt Kate sent for graduation and a Nerf gun.  We feel bad we did not send him to Bowdoin suitably armed.


  1. Thinking of Joseph makes me smile! So happy for him.

  2. Glad to know the hammock was potentially a hit and that nerf guns are still timeless treasures.

  3. WOW! Going to the One Direction concert with Emma....Priceless!!

  4. Not sure if we should be happy about going to a 1D concert ;0)! Glad you survived and had a good time.
    Thinking about you every day. Love you. Kathy

  5. Outstanding - so glad you lasted through thousands of teenagers screaming at the top of their lungs (did you even hear the music?). Hopefully you brought some ear plugs! Emma must have been out of her mind with excitement!

  6. Love that you went with your girl to see 1D!!! Hugs and kisses to the moe! Karen
