Thursday, February 25, 2016

February 25 2016

This week flew by and we are looking forward to a nice weekend. Emma has a school dance. Joseph is once again at Boston university for a track meet on Friday. Jim plans to cheer him on.

Medical update:  Today's"normal" clinic visit turned out to be anything but...  Jim and  I met with Dr Avigan to discuss the next phase in my treatment. The clinical trial went  okay with my leukemia staying stable. Yet stable is not good enough and we are moving to the next phase of treatment: another round of toxic chemo followed by a donor cell infusion.  The chemo requires hospitalization. Today I had a fever of 101 so Dr Avigan decided to admit me.  Instead of heading home in a day or so and starting chemo sometime next week, we decided to start the chemo during this unexpected hospitalization. So here I am and I have to say I am glad to get the treatment underway. Will start chemo once all infections have been treated which will probably be Fri afternoon or Saturday. The chemo will be 5 days and I'll be in the hospital for some days(hopefully not many)  afterward. Will keep you posted and thanks so much for checking in. Love Maureen


  1. At a loss for words as I read this. You are amazing, and I know that you are in good hands with the medical team at BIDMC. I love you and hope that you continue to feel strength from all the people that are lifting you up with their prayers.

  2. Thinking of you, Maureen. It's hard to change gears so unexpectedly. Praying that your fever is resolved and they are able to move on to the chemo soon so that you can be home again asap! Feel our love and hugs from North Andover...and of course our prayers!

  3. You are an inspiration to everyone who knows you!!!
    The latest update isn't what I was hoping to read. I will continue to keep you in my thoughts & prayers.
