Monday, April 11, 2016

Monday 4/11/2016

The Fun Stuff...My Mom made a trip from Ohio and is here through April 12 staying with my cousin Mark and his wife Karen as I continue to recover in the hospital (yep,back in the hospital).  Jim, Emma, my Mom and I were joined by my nurse Julie on Sunday April 10 for a lovely mass here on the campus of Beth Israel Deaconess.  My family was joined by Aunt Debbie (Mom's sister) in the afternoon for a pizza party.  Throughout the last several weeks I've been in the hospital more than home and very grateful for your visits, cards, prayers and meals for Jim/Emma.  Not sure when I'll be discharged home this time around.  Waiting for a good showing of healthy cell growth in the marrow which has just started.

Medical Summary:  An interesting couple of weeks and apologies for the delay in the blog update.  On balance good news but it took 2 hospital admissions, one trip to the ICU, a late night visit for a CAT scan and another 5 day course of chemo to get here.  Bottom line...I had another round of chemo starting March 4th and am just now starting to recover with a growing immune system showing signs of good health.  Some other things thrown in for good measure some of which was a bit scary - read on if you are so inclined

Details:  .

2/25/16 - 3/11/2016 Admitted to Hospital with fevers and dehydration; received antibiotics and fluids.  Began a new but previously scheduled chemo regimen during this hospital stay.  The chemo was 3 types given over a 5 day cycle commonly referred to as MEC (the acronym for the chemo drug names). In hospital for a little over 2 weeks.

3/11/2016 - 3/20/2016 Discharged and home approx 9 days

3/20/16 - Present readmitted to hospital on Sunday 3/20.  Still in the hospital approx 3 weeks later and not sure when I'll be discharged.  Since being readmitted my Mom arrived and has been here for a week (4/6 - 4/12).  While it has been a wonderful visit with my Mom, it has not been without it's challenges.  Prior to my Mom arriving I made a trip to the ICU which was a bit scary - very low blood pressure they did not feel they could control on my normal hospital floor.  Also made a trip for a late night CAT scan as I started talking crazy talk (how they could differentiate Moe speak from crazy talk l will probably  never know :)

Now for the good news - I am showing signs of recovery from the chemo - basically the chemo wipes out my marrow in the hopes that the marrow regenerates and starts producing a whole new healthy immune system/healthy blood cells.  This is exactly what has happened with my neutrophils (disease fighting white blood cells) going up!   While I remain neutropenic (still  not able to fully fight infections on my own as my white blood cells grow) I am getting stronger every day.

That's it for now - thanks for checking in.
Love, Maureen


  1. Oh Moe you really have been through the wringer the last few weeks! So glad to get your update and to know that you are improving. Keep up the good work getting stronger everyday!! We will keep the positive thoughts and prayers coming! Xoxo

  2. You're in my prayers daily!! I love you!!

  3. You're in my prayers daily!! I love you!!
