Saturday, November 12, 2016

Update 11/12 - 11/13

Family Fun:  Several visitors this week helped the time pass quickly in the hospital.  I may head home next week before starting new treatments. 

Medical Update;  the down and dirty:  I am moving to the  next phase of treatment which involves an immune boosting drug and a drug to offset the potentially dangerous side effects of the immune boosting drug.  The cycles last 21 days of actively taking the drugs followed by a rest period.  I will be evaluated constantly to make sure I am not having negative reactions.

Medical Update; the details:  For the last several weeks I've been talking about a clinical trial as the next course of treatment.  I've been waiting to be approved with the approval contingent upon
  • improved heart function,
  • a certain number of days post chemo,
  • my blood counts in a certain place (Platelets not too low; white counts not too high....)
  • and some other criteria. 
My improved heart function is referring to my ejection fraction or the measurement of the percentage of blood leaving my heart each time it contracts.  It was 20% in a recent ultrasound due to the assault from all the chemos  over the last 2 years.  A couple dahys ago it was just above 40% - still low but acceptable for the trial. 

The increasing white counts were the scariest number for me.  Generally after chemo the white counts bottom out taking the blast count or leukemia count in my blood down with them.  That did not happen with these last two rounds of chemo.  Instead I've been battling an increasing white blood count along with increased leukemia activity since the last two chemo rounds.  Fortunately we found a medication called Hydrea that temporarily suppresses both my white blood count and leukemia count. 

So with an improved heart function and less leukemia in my blood stream I got the go ahead for the trial. All good stuff.

Thanks for checking in.

Love Maureen


  1. Congrats on being approved for the trial! I had no doubts you would make it happen! You GO Girl!! Love you! Xoxo

  2. So glad you are approved for the trial!! Hang in there!!! Love you!

  3. That's great news! The heading home for a bit and the trial. Keep being a positive spirit and hoard that candy!

  4. ❤️❤️❤️ Yay, Strong Heart. Praying you will strike some gold in this new trial Auntie Moe!
