Sunday, November 20, 2016

Update 11/19 - 11-20

Family Fun:
Kate was with us this was week.  We had a lovely time and she was tremendously helpful  (this was a high care week for me; one of those weeks where I was too weak to do much for myself and she, along with my nurses kept me going.  I  think she and Emma/Jim had fun as well.

Medical Updates:
I was entered into the Phase 1 clinical trial which begins early next week.  Wonderful news!!! The combination of drugs (Revlimid and Velcade) in the trial is specifically designed for patients like me with Acute Myeloid leukemia that relapsed within a year of stem cell transplant. 

In terms of the drugs themselves
  • Revlimid is a drug that alters the immune system and it may also interfere with the development of tiny blood vessels that help support tumor growth.  Therefore it may reduce or prevent the growth of cancer cells
  • Velcade is a drug that helps offset the possible negative side effects of Revlimid.  Horrible oversimplification but the best I can do as I continue to wrap my arms around the power of this potentially curative trial.

Now as to timing with an eye to Thanksgiving around the corner...we are very hopeful the trial begins early enough to get me home for Thanksgiving.  In the early days they want me in the hospital for observation as I take the Revlimid pill on day 1 and the Velcade shot on day 2.  Good chance I will be home for Thanksgiving but I won't know until Monday or Tuesday

Going forward the plan is for me to do the trial as an outpatient driving in and out on the required days.  However the first few days have me in the hospital as an inpatient. 

Thanks for checking in and I'll sprinkle in more details as the trial moves forward.

Love, Maureen


  1. Hopefully all will go well and you will be home for a nice Thanksgiving with the family.

  2. Saying prayers that all goes well and you are home for Thanksgiving!

    The Conaton Family

  3. Moe, hoping that you enjoy your thanksgiving holiday surrounded by your loving family and friends! I am so very thankful for your friendship!! Lots of love!! -Kate

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