Tuesday, April 28, 2015

April 28th

Hello everyone!  Thankfully my breathing is back to normal and I am off the Oxygen as of Sunday,  My kidney creatinine level continues to creep up and I will likely stay in the hospital until it begins a downward trend.  There are a few possibilities for this increase...the medicines I am taking and the fact that I am no longer getting fluids through the IV.  All under review/discussion by my medical team- my nurse Julie calls this phase the cha - cha (two steps forward one step back).

Quick Family update - Emma and Joe were on Spring break last week.  Joe went to Spain (for 2 weeks) and is having a wonderful time.  He's been to Madrid, Seville and spent a week with his host family in Granada.

Emma kept busy with friends - in fact her girl scout troop selected our home for an Earth Day project.  They did some yard clean up and planted flowers and a beautiful azalea bush.  What a kind, hard working group of girls and GS parents - many thanks.

I hope to know tomorrow what my next steps will be.  Thanks for checking in and will keep you posted



  1. Maureen,
    Hang in there baby! Life sometimes dishes out lemons...We're all so proud of the way you are handling this and continue to pray for all positive things for you.
    "Never be lacking in zeal,but keep your spiritual fervor...Be joyful in hope, PATIENT in AFFLICTION, faithful in prayer...Romans 12:11-13
    Hugs, love and prayers,

  2. Hey Maureen,

    I'm more of a 2-step country girl than the cha-cha...but whatever it's called, let's figure out how to dance the he** out of there!! Keep up the good work on your end, and we're praying the medical team gets it all figured out soon. I hope they don't confiscate Joe's passport in Spain...I have visions of them loving him and not wanting to let him leave! I am sure he has had a great time with a fab bunch of kids from NAHS!!

    The Guggs

  3. Hi Maureen...How wonderful the girls spent time giving your landscape some TLC. I am sure this was a way to give Emma some TLC too. Can't wait to hear about Joe's trip. I bet the host family wants to keep him and that they'll be enjoying your gracious hospitality in the future. See you soon. Denise
