Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Wednesday January 13

We had a beautiful snowfall last night.  Just enough to cover the gunk but not enough to disrupt travel.  That is my kind of snowfall.  Compare this to the 8 - 10 inches my Mom reports in Lake County OH.  No wonder she is wintering in the mild climate of North Andover, MA beginning next week - I look forward to seeing her on Wednesday the 20th!

Medical Update:  On Monday I started a five day course of  Dacogen.  This is a low intensity chemotherapy I've had before and tolerated well.  Main side effects were occasional exhaustion, some nausea and loss of appetite.  This treatment causes death to rapidly dividing cancer cells and also restores the normal function to tumor suppressor genes restoring control over cell growth.   In the short term all my blood counts will likely drop bringing me into the clinic for frequent infusions.  Eventually (hard to tell how long) the blood counts will rebound while the leukemia cell production will (hopefully) continue to be suppressed.  I will likely have other treatments beginning next week.  Focusing on the here and now and will keep you updated as decisions are made and new treatments started.

Thanks for checking in




  1. I am thinking of you always Maureen. You are one of the strongest people I know and a true inspiration.
    Love you,

  2. Nice to hear you mom is coming back to enjoy our New England winter - I hope she doesn't bring the snow with her! YOU MATTER Maureen so stay strong and know we are all here for you when you need us - for whatever that may be - even a luxury (crazy) ride in the Fusion!
