Saturday, January 9, 2016

Weekend Update 1/9/2016

Hoping everyone's New year is off to a great start. Emma was back in school this week and we have Joseph for one more weekend before he returns to Bowdoin for track training. First meet is 1/16!  We finally finished de-Christmasing this weekend (well - almost finished).  I find the decor starts looking a bit um stale around the 10th so one more day...Last year I celebrated both Christmas and New Year at Beth Israel and was really in a bad spot with the leukemia showing little sign of responding to therapy. What a blessing to go through Christmas and New Year feeling so strong and positive.

Medical update:   Some disappointing news over the last week with recent labs showing the leukemia reemerging.  It was detected as 'blasts' in my blood work.  Interestingly the blasts have gone up and then down without any chemotherapy.  This tells us my immune system is effectively battling back the leukemia which is good news.  I will still need treatment and this will possibly start Monday - we are looking at chemotherapy, another immune accelerant therapy, or some combination.  We'll see what my blood work shows Monday and then move forward with treatment.

For those of you who have been following my journey this past year, you know how persistent my leukemia has been.  I am so glad to be going into this next round of treatment feeling very strong and always well loved and supported.  The ultimate goal continues to be a curative, sustained remission. Looks like it will be a little longer in coming.

Also all treatment options are outpatient for which I am very grateful.

That's it for now - I'll update the blog as I get into treatment.  Thank you for checking in and now to get back to those last ornaments we hung wayyyy back in the branches of the tree.

Love, Maureen


  1. Go Team Moe! Fight those AML cells! Never a dull moment in this adventure, but as you noted, you're in a much better position now compared with a year ago. Hugs

  2. Prayers going up in Naperville. Blessings to all.

  3. Sending you oodles of strength and love! Just booked a trip with Maura to Boston for the weekend of 2/19 - we are doing a tour of BU on the 19th but then I must see you. Missing my roomie xo Karen

  4. Thinking of your Maureen! Sorry I have not been in touch. Would love to see you soon. Stay strong! Caroline

  5. Glad you were able to celebrate the holidays at home with your family! Sending you love, positive thoughts and prayers!! Xoxo

  6. So sad to hear this bit of a set back, but you are so strong and so positive. I just know you will battle back and show those cells who is BOSS! Happy New Year!!!

    Nicole Conaton
