Sunday, September 18, 2016

Update Sunday 9/18

Good morning everyone.

Family fun. Another good week of volleyball with the North Andover girls again sweeping all games they played. Now this is two different teams they played Wednesday and Friday. Emma and the other girls are really fine tuning their skills and it is a pleasure to watch them play (from clips sent to my phone thanks Micheline though Jim was there this week).  Joe has 60 people interested in a tae Keon do club he is looking to start. The funding process /vote begins soon with student government and that will determine if he can move forward. Jim and Emma were in to see me this weekend at Beth Israel. Oh yeah...back in the big house.  My cousin Margien and her daughter Clair joined us and we had a lot of laughs. Earlier this week my great friend Denise was here and several good friends come tomorrow and Tuesday   Also margiem is bringing me something mouthwatering from the north end. Really getting pampered this week all in an effort to buff up.   Kate was with me for the hospital admission and first day. We had a lot of fun leading up to the interruption and it was so great to have her here last week

Medical update. My medical team and my family has our eyes on the prize of starting a next round of treatment. To do so I must be stronger, more beefed up and infection free (plus a few more variables that are out of my control). This most recent stay started Wednesday when my nurses thought my pick line (this is an iv like line in my arm that is semi permanent and allows for blood draws and infusions) looked infected. They drew blood into chemical combinations in small bottles called cultures. If I do have an infection these cultures will turn into bacteria within 7 days. So far on day 5 they show as pending or negative. If they are still pending on day 7 I will probably be considered infection free, get anothe pic line, and go home. No specific day was mentioned but hopefully mid week. Also had some chest pains due to fluid in my lungs ( not pneumonia). And I've been taking medicine to help my body expel the fluid   Feeling much better and able to breathe more productively.

So none of this has delayed my efforts to get stronger. I'm exercising every day and so grateful to those who've brought food. I am a big baby with the hospital food and having a real dinner (fried chicken, lasagna, and a special treat from the north end coming tonight) makes a huge difference. Jim and Emma brought several breakfast treats and high calorie snacks and I am happily gaining back the weight I lost over the past few months.

So all good with my non-infection and hoping to be home soon.

Thanks so much for checking in and for all your love, card, emails, texts and prayers.  Gavin's some phone trouble here so sorry for any delays in my response.

Love. Moe


  1. So glad things are improving. Nothing like a mouthwatering cannoli or other treat from the North End to perk you up!
    We will continue to send prayers and positive thoughts.

    Nicole Conaton and Family

  2. Thank you for the update Maureen. I've always thought of you as person of "good culture".... so I'm sure it will turn out fine. :-)

    Eat with joy and come home soon!

    With Love. Zoli and the Poleretzky's
