Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Tuesday March 24

Good morning. Wonderful visit yesterday with our good friend Paul who just returned from a wedding in a blizzard to  honeymoon in Hawaii. Not bad.

Today is a day of rest for me and tomorrow is the transfusion. I am told lots of sleepy medicines and liquids all afternoon on wed. I will probably have  the  chemo aftereffects (whatever those might) be within the next week or so. Following that, if all goes well, my new marrow will engraft and start producing blood  cells. Sounds simple but I am on a lot of medications to help this  all work.

Jim is in tomorrow and Kate comes in Thursday for a long weekend visit.

Not much else New. Thanks for checking in

Love Maureen


  1. Lots of prayers coming your way for a successful procedure tomorrow.
    xoxox, Kathy Eads

  2. Praying for you, Moe.
    Stay strong!
    Love, Kathy Resetar-Schwab
