Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Tuesday March 31

Looking out my hospital window I see a yellow orb, lots of clean pavement and very little snow on any of the green space.  Spring anyone??

Things continue to go well here at 778 Beth Israel.  I am a little tired but otherwise feeling quite strong.  This is kind of a wait and see period - the 'no news is good news' phase.  My blood counts have dropped (this is by design - my counts drop and then rise again as the new donor cells engraft) but, unlike the last two rounds of chemo, I've been spared any nasty side effects thus far.  The doctors are encouraged with how I am doing and that is all I need to hear!

Most likely my counts will soon be on the rise - maybe by next week.

Until then I am grateful for every good day, happy to be eating pretty well and to have decent energy.

Many thanks for your prayers, support, meals, love...all working exceptionally well!

Thanks for checking in


  1. Hi Maureen,
    You say that "No news is good news," Maureen. It's also GREAT news for all of us who continue to life you up in prayer every day. It's impossible not to connect all that you are going through which what we celebrate these days in Holy Week. For months you have gone through something of Jesus' own pain and darkness and suffering. Now (this is our deepest hope and prayer) you're beginning to experience something of his resurrection and new life. You can continue to count on us doing our part and prayer and love -- and we know we can count on that "tough Irish body" to do its part to make sure that that new life really takes hold, and you can be restored back home better than ever! So, a happy, truly blessed Easter to you, all the Staudts and all the Redmonds. Love, Dan Crosby

  2. Dear Maureen, You sound GREAT and I am so glad to hear that. My prayers are with you and I can't wait to see you again soon! Love, Caroline

  3. Maureen,
    I am a bit behind in reading your blog, but so excited to read all the great news! Lots going on for you and it is all good. you go girl! Things are looking up!

  4. Hi Maureen-- I check in quite often and wanted you to know that I'm happy to see you have never lost your great sense of humor through all this crap you have to deal with. I think of you often and pray that you have a phenomenal outcome! Love, Nancy Walsh
